Insanity Or Courage?

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” –Ambrose Redmoon

I was getting in the shower the other day. Yes, my creative process is pretty random. And couldn’t help but think about how many of us drive ourselves insane over relationships.

When things are great we’re “crazy in love.” But when they’re bad, we’re just plain crazy!

Ups and downs are a normal part of any relationship. But I’m talking about the relationship with more downs than ups. These are the ones that really throw your mind and heart for a loop.

Most of us know what true heartbreak feels like and if you don’t, consider yourself lucky. It’s a sickening feeling that can leave you stunned, numb, devastated and sometimes hopeless. It turns your world upside down. You promise in that moment your sobbing your eyes out on the floor or staring at the ceiling that you’ll never allow this to happen again. You’ll lock your heart up and throw away the key.

I know several people who can do that. They consider themselves guarded and have a hard time opening up or letting others in because of the pain in their past. I’ve experienced enough pain for a whole slew of people, yet I’ve never been able to keep my heart under lock and key.

Once I decide I like someone, I’m head first regardless of that ever-present threat things could fall apart. Sure I have my insecure moments in the process, but it doesn’t make me walk away. I stay and invest time and emotion to find out if this person is right for me.

By Einstein’s definition, it’s pure insanity.

Why do we continue to pursue relationships when we know pain is a real possibility? Why do we date the same type of guy or girl over and over, hoping this one will be different?

I’d like to think it’s because of that second word up there. Courage. Based on that quote from author Ambrose Redmoon, it takes a brave soul to emotionally invest in another person knowing it could lead to heartache.

If you’re like me, don’t fight your insanity. Embrace it.

Not everyone is capable of opening his or her heart and doling out love, even if the recipients don’t always return the favor.

You could even go so far to say you can’t be courageous without being a little crazy.


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