In general, I’ve never considered myself to be a drama queen. Even when some tough event was happening, it seemed for the most part that I tried to keep it as mellow as possible.
Until lately.
I swear many more things in the last couple years and especially the last few months seem dramatic. I’m walking into nonsense that 15 years ago I would not have found myself facing. I’m embroiled in other people’s messy relationships or I just seem to face a series of bad luck. Even some of those close to me think that I’ve become fragile and seem a little impatient with me.
The wise facilitator of a networking group to which I belong must have been reading my mind recently and thus Lynden posted this quote on the LinkedIn page for our group:
Drama in our lives is the greatest indicator that we’re not focused on meaningful goals. On the path to purpose you don’t have time for drama. – Brendon Burchard
Burchard is a business and marketing trainer. His comment does partially explain some of the latest hijinks I’ve faced. I need a creative outlet or a focus again.
I need to remember what it was like a few years ago when I had hope and drive for a future. I didn’t know what that future would hold but it did seem like a future full of promise and creativity. I wasn’t bogged down by drama because I was focused on developing my skills and talents.
Lynden also posted the following quote from someone named Danielle LaPorte:
Here’s one thing that failure and success has taught me: drama is a total and utter waste of time and energy. And most successful cats I know have come to the same conclusion. They fail-succeed-fail-succeed, and after a few laps around the block, they decide that drama isn’t that productive or attractive.
I was intrigued enough by this statement to search online for more about this woman. It looks as though she’s a life coach and inspirational speaker. I like what she says about the ridiculousness of drama.
She writes on her website that, “Throwing a fit, fantasizing about getting even, fault-finding, bemoaning the fact, going out of your way to prove that you’re right and they’re wrong” are all “drama stunts and major energy suckers.”
I have spent hours fretting about places or things that have caused me angst or people who didn’t tell me the truth or aimed to hurt me ever so slightly in some way and for some reason.
My energy needs to be directed away from the fretting. I need to let go of finding fault and to seek my creativity, drive, and focus once again. I have to reach again into that part of my being that I know still exists to make myself happy and proud.
I want to be queen of my own little kingdom without the drama I seem to be creating.
It sounds as if you are becoming someone’s “drama pawn” in their drama chess game.
Run away S.A.G.G., run away!