Some people say don’t get your hopes up because then you will be disappointed. I will have to disagree with this statement. Without hope you’re not vulnerable. If you’re not vulnerable, then this will lead you to build up walls around your heart.
Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
By: On the DL Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket It’s a saying we’ve all heard at one point or another, and it can relate to a variety of situations: job prospects personal life choices relationships you name it I’ve followed that advice all my life. I plan everything I can and try
Putting On My Armor
By: High Hopes Everyday!!!
Insanity Or Courage?
“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” –Ambrose Redmoon
You’re Acting CRAZY
We’ve all been in a stituation when we react in a dramatic way that’s out of character a little for us.
Last year, I was packed and ready to go for a long weekend of scuba diving in Mexico. My friend Randy–who’s also a diver– was picking me up at my place at O’Dark Thirty to drive me to the scuba diving store. That’s where we would meet with the rest of the divers caravaning during the drive to the Sea of Cortez.
I had placed my iPod on my little tabletop stereo to charge overnight.
Although I don’t use the MP3 player often, I absolutely love and adore it for the boat rides out to the island. I watch the just-risen sun kiss the tips of the cliffs around the marina. The birds skim the surface of the ocean as the crew churns the Newton ’48 through the water. The air is clear and fresh. I take all this in while being lost in my music. It’s a religious experience that allows me the chance to meditate over where I’ve been, where I am, and where I am going.
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Tales From Sip And Go Girl: “Kurt”
I’ve talked about Kurt before. He was mentioned in a December 2012 article called Phantom Lover From The Past.
He and I met at a university campus ATM. He recognized the monstrous law book I was carrying as the same one he used in a criminal justice class. Kurt was taking the same class but on a different day.
Our conversation led to an exchange of phone numbers. He called me. That Friday night, I met him at his house. We were going to drive together from there to see the new Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves movie. It starred Kevin Costner and had been super popular so far at the theater.
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Why Are You Paranoid?
We get paranoid when we’re insecure about something. We’re also apt to believe what people say much quicker than we might normally. Or, sometimes we hang on desperately to someone’s advice when we’re unsure about ourselves.
I was talking with a networking colleague when Luci suggested that the reason I wasn’t receiving attention from potential employers or other connections was because a former employer might be giving me a bad reference. It had been a strange last seven days both personally and professionally and when she said that, a strange heavy feeling grew in my stomach.
I grew very worried. How do I stop this? What did I do? Maybe this is why I hadn’t heard about some freelance writing I had been asked to do. I kind of began to panic. I needed advice.
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Because It’s True
I can’t recall who had posted it, but I pulled the following from a friend’s Facebook wall recently:
Because it’s true.
Just something to think about.
Did you know the people who are the strongest are usually the most sensitive?
Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated?
Did you know the one who takes care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most?
Did you know the three hardest things to say are
- “I love you”
- “I’m sorry”
- “Help me?”
Being Brave
I often look to music and song lyrics for inspiration, an emotional release, meditation, and hope. I love a really good song that stops you in your tracks, makes you think, and leads you to the iTunes store for an immediate download!
It has been a rough couple of weeks at work and in my personal life, so I was feeling pretty defeated during my morning commute the other day. I try to tune into my “Inspiration” playlist while making the 20-minute drive as a way to refocus and prepare for the 8, 9, sometimes 13-hour day ahead.
That’s what I was doing when I heard Josh Groban’s “Brave” blasting through my car speakers. I’m not a huge Groban fan, but the orchestra-style rock and moving lyrics made me feel like he’d written the song just for me.
It’s about looking what you fear most in the face, and embracing it. It’s about strength, independence, faith, and courage. It’s about understanding the things you can’t control and making the best of what you have in front of you. At least that’s what I take away from it.
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Death In The Family
Divorce changes the legal and official ties between families bound together when two people exchange vows. Does that mean it’s time to eliminate from your lives those you love and who love you?
I loved my former brother-in-law Tom. He was my ex-husband Steve’s brother.
He was dry, observant, down to earth, funny, and curmudgeonly in an awesome and refreshing way. He was gruff and sweet. Because of the age gap between my ex and I and the fact that Steve was the surprise third child in his family, Tom was about the same age as my parents.
He also battled a multitude of health problems. Steve used to worry Tom would pass away before their mother Lee. She would have been devastated to lose a child.
Tom lived eight years past Lee.
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I Am Scheherazade And I Got 1,001 Tales
I was wandering the Internet looking for inspiration and ran across an article about the greatest love stories of all time.
Included in the list were obvious people like Rick and Ilsa from “Casablanca” and Romeo and Juliet. Another couple included was King Shahryar and Scheherezade.
That’s pronounced ‘Shuh-hair-uh-zawd.’
You might need a reminder. Scheherezade was the woman who narrated “Arabian Nights,” the collection of Persian, Indian, and Arabian tales. “Arabian Nights” includes the stories of Alladdin and Ali Baba. The tales are sometimes called “Thousand and One Nights.”
I’m Scheherezade.
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What It Means
The following is a guest article from one of my former coworkers. Michael has been with his partner Jim for several years.
By: Michael
A lot of my friends are asking the significance of the recent Supreme Court ruling of Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8.
Let me tell you what it means to Jim and I personally.
DOMA was deemed unconstitutional. This means Jim and I now get more than 1000 rights that are enjoyed by other straight married couples, but that we didn’t have.
This means that gay military families now get their military benefits. Federal employees get spousal benefits. For Jim and I, it means Jim will now have inheritance rights. Jim or I would have been taxed on inheriting the house, the cars, etc. Those are taxes that a straight married couple doesn’t worry about.
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Playing Coy And Pruning The Hedges
Jeff: You saw Iron Man 3, you went alone?
Me: No didn’t go alone.
Jeff: Oh that’s good. Had a group of people eh. How did you like it?
Me: It was a date. I loved the movie!! And you’re so coy. “Oh a group of people eh.”
That was the text message conversation with my friend Jeff. He obviously wanted more information from me but wouldn’t ask me directly. That’s why I called him out for being coy.
“Playing coy” is one personality trait I’ve been slowly removing from my own behavior.
What is “playing coy?”
There are several versions.
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