By: Sip and Go Girl
So what is “What is sipping and going?”
Six months after my divorce was final, I decided to start dating again. I desperately wanted the distraction and diversion after a rough time in a marriage and rough time during a divorce.
I did not want to mine my workplace or any other area of my life for a date. So I threw a profile up on an online dating site and logged off the computer. When I checked a couple days later, I had dozens of emails. It was easy. I had a date!
I was not overly discriminating at first. Because I was not online to find a boyfriend or a lover, I pretty much agreed to nearly every offer to meet. In an online dating situation, the best, safest, and simplest way to first meet is for coffee or tea. I don’t believe in the idea of spending days and weeks chatting online or via phone to become better acquainted. Mostly that’s because my goal was not to find a special love connection.
The first guy I met was Dennis at a coffee shop. Then I met Pete at a coffee shop, and then some guy whose name I don’t remember at a coffee shop.
After those first dates, I rarely wanted another. I had absolutely no interest in seeing them on a regular basis.
One of my coworkers who knew I had started dating asked me one morning, “How are you doing?” I said, “Sheesh I can’t believe how much coffee I am drinking. Seriously, it’s all I do— sip and go. I’m like…like…like a sip and go girl.”
So a Sip and Go is nothing more than a brief meeting with someone who, in my case, I have no intention of seeing again. Do I do that every time? No of course not and frankly I rarely do that anymore. I’m not in that same place in my life.
So, what are you??
I’m a guy that keeps meeting women online, then at a coffee shop, then never see them again.