Tag Archive for floppy disk

Time Machine

Oh how people wish they could go back in time or forward in time……

In the early 1990s, I bought a computer game for my father John for some occasion like a birthday, Father’s Day, or the holidays. The game ran on our MS-DOS system computer and bore the name Timequest.

The plot begins in the year 2090. A bad guy has stolen a time machine and traveled into the past. He’s altering historical events to make the outcomes of these events change. The game player is charged with taking another time machine and stopping and reversing the heinous doings of the bad guy. If the bad guy isn’t stopped, the world will fall apart.

Timequest was hard to play. My father and I had to order the secret manual from the creator in order to manuever our ways through six geographical locations in nine different time periods. The secret involved gathering items or doing just the right thing in order to stop the altered timelines.

We seemed to often get stuck dealing with the death of Julius Caesar in Rome of 44 BC.

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