We’re thinking too much alike. Stop it.
There’s nothing uglier for a family, a workplace, a social club or any type of group than for members to get stuck in the trap of all thinking the same thing all the time.
Groups are useful and necessary in many situations. Handling a project or something in a group is good because this setup often solves problems that individuals cannot.
But some groups can create a mess. The cover-up of child sex abuse at Penn State is one example.
People attached to the football program tried so hard to protect the glory of the university image, the football team, and the revered coaches Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno. Instead, children suffered at the hands of Sandusky. He was sentenced with 30 to 60 years in prison after being found guilty on 45 counts related to sexually assaulting children. But it took a long time for the case to reach courts because of the coverups at the university.
Beware the groupthink.
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